

An Opus Award

For the show J’m’en viens chez vous!

Good news: we just won an Opus Award for our performance for young audiences “J’m’en viens chez vous!”. Dominic and Véronique attended the Gala, organized by the “Conseil québécois de la musique”, with Marie Eve Larivière our fabulous stage director. 60 shows were presented so far to thousands of students and families all over Québec. A wonderful adventure that continues to go on!


J’m’en viens chez vous! – the show

Finalist at the Opus Awards Gala

After 3 nominations for the album, it’s now the show J’m’en viens chez vous! that grabs the honor! We are finalist at the Opus Awards Gala, organized by the Conseil québécois de la musique, in the category Production de l'année jeune public.

The winners will be announced on February 2, 2025.


Two more nominations

for the album J’m’en viens chez vous!

This fall is full of good news for us! Our album J’m’en viens chez vous! is in nomination at the GAMIQ (Gala alternatif de la musique indépendante du Québec) in the Trad category and at the Canadian Folk Music Awards in the category Children’s Album of the Year.

The GAMIQ winners will be announced on December 1st and the Canadian Folk Music Awards will take place in April 2025.


J’m’en viens chez vous! in nomination at the Adisq Gala

Youth Album of the Year

Good news: the album “J’m’en viens chez vous!” is in nomination for the ADISQ award Youth - Album of the year.

The winners will be announced on October 30th during the Premier Gala.


J’m’en viens chez vous !

A new album for young audiences

The songs written for the show J’m’en viens chez vous ! are now available on a new album for young audiences that demystifies the raw material from which the members of the group Bon Débarras create: Traditional Québec music and its unique features. The album is available on all digital platforms and in a CD version.


Opus Award 2024

Two nominations for Bon Débarras

Bon Débarras is proud to be finalist for an Opus Award in 2 categories:
- Repères | Concert de l’année – Musique traditionnelle québécoise
- Bon Débarras en famille | Album de l’année – Musique traditionnelle québécoise
The Gala, held by the “Conseil québécois de la musique”, will be presented on February 4th 2024.


Bon Débarras en famille in nomination at the ADISQ Gala

Album of the Year – Traditionnal

The album “Bon Débarras en famille”, is in nomination for the ADISQ award Album of the year – Traditionnal. The project results from a tremendous desire to gather again between all those who made up the various trios over the (more then) fifteen years of the band's existence. The winners will be announced on November 1st during the Premier Gala.


Bon Débarras en famille

A new album to celebrate the band's 15th anniversary!

Bon Débarras en famille results from a tremendous desire to gather again between all those who made up the various trios over the fifteen years of the band's existence. So, Luzio Altobelli, Cédric Dind-Lavoie and Marie-Pierre Lecault joined the present trio to revisit pieces that were meaningful for each of the family members – pieces and songs from their four career albums. In an affectionate atmosphere of sharing and celebration, new versions emerged during these unique intimate moments. Now played by the six musicians, they appear on Bon Débarras en famille, an album available on May 19 on CD and on the digital services. A limited edition vinyl will also be available this summer.

Bon Débarras en famille is also a web series available on the Ondapart cultural platform ( Built around one of the songs, each of the seven episodes is shot in a different location. They also feature original interviews and moments of fun and sharing.



A new show for young audiences

In the show J’m’en viens chez vous!, which means "We're coming up!", the trio Bon Débarras demystifies the raw material from which the members of the group create: Traditional Québec music and its unique features.

They begin by explaining the fundamentals of this musical style drawn from the roots of our culture. They even reveal the workings of their own creative complicity and invite young and old to have fun with this raw material. And everything becomes an endearing pretext to exchange and meet.

The show will be presented to music professionals at RIDEAU in Quebec City on February 16, and will then take the road in 2023-2024. An English version should be ready for 2024.


Bon Débarras is finalist for the Opus Award “Concert of the Year”

With the show Repères

Bon Débarras is proud to be finalist for the Opus Award Concert de l’année – Musique traditionnelle québécoise with the show Repères. The Gala, held by the Conseil québécois de la musique, will be presented on February 5.


The album Repères presented in the serie

“Écoute mon album”

The group Bon Débarras presents the album Repères in the 8th episode of the serie “Écoute mon album”, produced by l’ADISQ, with the collaboration of Quebec’s government. This serie brings the light on 80 artists that launched an album in Quebec during the pandemic and that are ready to go back on stage.

The award-winning album Repères is available on all digital platforms and on our online store.


Bon Débarras is proud to be the winner of the

Opus Award “Album de l’année – Musique traditionnelle Québécoise” with Repères.

Held by the Conseil Québécois de la musique, this 25th edition of the Opus Awards Gala, took place on March 6 via the Facebook page of Télé-Québec’s La Fabrique Culturelle and is available for viewing. The group also won the Félix Award “Album de l’année – traditionnel” at the Gala de l’ADISQ with this album. Repères is available on all the digital platforms. You can also by the CD on Bon Débarras’ online boutique.


Une grande gigue libre, with Bon Débarras

A video from La Fabrique culturelle

The group Bon Débarras was born in the Parc Lahaie in Montreal, where they have participated to many editions of the Festival “Noël dans le parc”. More than 20 years later, In this same park, the members of the group recollect their memories and offer us a unique interpretation of “Une grande gigue libre”, a piece coming from the album Repères.


Premiere of the show Repères in Montreal

At the Cabaret Lion d’or and online

This new show highlights the reference points and core values that the band has relied on for its creative process since its beginnings. Identity bearings, geographical markers, linguistic and cultural reference points – these are “repères” in French. But most of all, encounters and discoveries leading to lyrics (Joséphine Bacon, Gaston Miron, Simon Gauthier, Gilles Vigneault) and musical collaborations (Michel Faubert, Cédric Dind-Lavoie). The trio relies also on various inner hideouts, dens or “repaires”, multifaceted references forged through encounters, travels and life experiences. Their repères – milestones and markers – anchor solidly the band’s music in Quebec traditions while giving it a touch of the world around the corner. From their repaires – hideaways, havens of refuge –, they come out with a renewed energy irresistibly calling for dancing!
* You can attend the show at the Cabaret Lion d’or or see the virtual version online.
Direction: Edgar Bori
Lighting designer: Lisandre Coulombe
Sound engineer: Louis Morneau


Repères” nominated at the ADISQ Gala

Album of the year- Traditionnal

Bon Débarras’ new album, Repères, is nominated for the ADISQ award “Album of the year – Traditionnal”. The winners will be announced on November 3 during the Premier Gala, which will be broadcasted on Télé-Québec.


Bon Débarras unveils “Batèche”

A powerful new music video

Gaston Miron (1928-1996) is a well known poet in Quebec. His words, enhanced by close-ups on the musicians faces and supported by archive images of the National Film Board of Canada, plunges us in the resilience spirit of the Quiet Revolution. The rhythm of the poetry is emphasized by the folk-trad language of Bon Débarras and the slammed parts of the song. This story of anger that turns to resilience gains an incredible intensity through the eye of the producer JF Dugas and his team, Olivier Bolduc-Coutu and Louis Coutu.

* “Batèche” is a swear word that use to be frequently heard in Quebec.


Bon Débarras presents 2 web series

On Ondapart

During the past year, Bon Débarras has produced two web series for a brand new digital platform, Ondapart.

With “J’m’en viens chez-vous”, the trio explores the origins and particularities of Quebec’s traditional music. Those educational videos will please the youth and kids at heart!

“Bon Débarras en famille” celebrates the 15 years of existence of Bon Débarras. The former and actual members of the band are reunited around some of the signature songs of the group.

You can enjoy these web series at


A virtual showcase at RIDEAU

With Bon Débarras

Bon Débarras is thrilled to have been selected to participate to the 34th edition of the RIDEAU event. The group will present an official showcase on April 22 at 11:00 AM.

RIDEAU is an association of performing arts professionals. They organize the most important francophone congress dedicated to performing arts in America.


Bon Débarras, winner of the « Beau Dommage » award

Fondation SPACQ Gala

It’s an honour for Bon Débarras to receive the « Beau Dommage – Complicité créatrice » award, given by the Fondation SPACQ and offered by RNC Media.
This beautiful prize comes right on time to highlight how pleasure and efforts are building Bon Débarras’ musical complicity throughout time. A special thanks to the Fondation SPACQ for this recognition, and also to all the people that are inspired by traditional music and keep it alive. This music gives roots, but also wings to our Quebec culture. It’s definitely an honour for us to receive this prize that refers to the group « Beau Dommage » because 15 years ago, we were inspired by them to find our own group name! Bon Débarras.


Bon Débarras’ new album, Repères

Is now available

You can buy the CD on our website ( You can also listen to the album or download it on your favorite digital platform. This album highlights the Repères – milestones and markers – that anchor solidly the band’s music in Quebec traditions while giving it a touch of the world around the corner, with a renewed energy irresistibly calling for dancing!



Virtual album launch

Don’t miss Bon Débarras’ virtual album launch on October 20 at 8 :00 PM on Facebook Live. Special guests and musical performances will make you discover ‘‘Repères’’, an album that highlights the reference points and core values that the band has relied on for its creative process since its beginnings.



In music and images

The song "Nutshimit" is a meeting between Bon Débarras’ music and Joséphine Bacon’s poetry. "Nutshimit" refers to the inland in Innu-aimun; it’s also Joséphine Bacon’s favorite word.

Over the past few weeks, the members of the group have felt the need to do something together, despite the distance. They have therefore taking up the challenge of mastering in an artistic way their cell phone cameras and sound recording techniques, with the good advice and the remote support of Goba Studio team and the sound engineer Louis Morneau. The result is this beautiful video that leaves us with a feeling of sweet serenity.


Bon Débarras is back on stage

Festival La Grande Rencontre

Bon Débarras will be back on stage for La Grande Rencontre Festival which will take place at the Cabaret Lion d’Or in Montreal.

Don’t miss their performance on Friday September 4 and their family show, Playing Hooky, on Sunday September 6.



A new EP for Bon Débarras

The group Bon Débarras couldn’t wait to share with you a part of their creation work of the past months. Their brand new digital minialbum, “Repaires”, is a prelude to a full album to be released in Septembre 2020. The project will highlight the reference points, cues, landmarks, core values - which are called “repères” in French - that Bon Débarras has relied on for its creative process since its beginnings as a band. Identity bearings, geographical markers, linguistic and cultural reference points, yes – but they rely also on various inner hideouts, dens or “repaires”, multifaceted references forged through encounters, travels and life experiences. Their repères – milestones and markers – anchor solidly the band’s music in Quebec traditions while giving it a touch of the world around the corner. From their repaires – hideaways, havens of refuge –, they come out with a renewed energy irresistibly calling for dancing!


Ear Bon Débarras’ new songs

On the road to their fourth album, Repères.

A new album is coming for Bon Débarras and here are the first occasions to ear their new songs. First, the group will present a showcase on February 18 at the Pub Murphy’s, during the Bourse Rideau OFFiciel de l’Agence Résonances. They will also participate at La grande veillée du Labo Trad at the Cinémathèque québécoise in Montreal on February 27.


BC Tour

January 29 – February 4 2020

The group Bon Débarras will begin 2020 with a beautiful tour in British Colombia. The trio will also record a brand new album in the coming weeks… Stay tuned!


Le loup de Noël

On Tour

Now that fall is here, Bon Débarras is getting ready for the 4th season of the show Le loup de Noël. With the storyteller Stephan Côté, the group will make you live the story of Griboux an old lonesome Laurentian wolf who has nothing to eat. Hungry, he goes down to the village on Christmas Eve, where he is attracted by the church lights… A story that brings us back to those times when the midnight mass and the « réveillon » were at the heart of the Christmas holidays.


Bon Débarras at Le Chaînon Manquant Festival

La Veillée Québécoise

Good news : Bon Débarras is invited by Le Chaînon Manquant, one of the most prestigious presenters network in France, to present a showcase during their annual festival in September. In collaboration with the caller Yaëlle Azoulay, the group will make people dance on their music during a special night called La Veillée Québécoise. The shows presented during the festival may then be integrated into the programming of the members of the Chaînon network, which generates more then 800 shows everywhere in France every year.
In collaboration with Musicaction, supported by SODEC Québec.


Bon Débarras at the Just for laughs Festival

La Grande Veillée

On July 24, Bon Débarras will be the house band of La Grande Veillée, a mix of comedy show and Quebec’s traditions organized by Just for laughs. Come and dance with us on the Place des festivals in Montreal, with the caller Yaëlle Azoulay and many other guests.


Winner of The Independent Music Awards

En panne de silence

Bon Débarras is the winner in the category "Performance – Short Form Music Video" of the 17th edition of The Independent Music Awards! Our music video “En panne de silence” was selected by a judging panel comprised of top recording and influential press, managers and talent buyers from the Americas, Europe and the Pacific Rim. Special thanks to the Goba Studio team, Rémi Giguère, l’Ensemble folklorique Les Bon Diables and La Station FM-R.


Bon Débarras in nomination

The Independent Music Awards

Bon Débarras was named as a Nominee in The 17th annual Independent Music Awards (The IMAs) in the category “Performance – Short Form Music Video” for “En panne de silence”.

Nominated along with Bon Débarras is an eclectic mix of work by established artists and emerging talent from around the globe. More than 400 artists will be honored at The 17th IMA ceremony on June 22 in New York City.

Now in its 18th year, The Independent Music Awards - produced by Music Resource Group - honor the year’s most exceptional and artistically daring music projects from self-released and indie label talent from around the globe.


Happy new year

January 2019

2019 marks a turning point for Bon Débarras: the amazing fiddler and singer Véronique Plasse is now part of the trio with Dominic Desrochers and Jean-François Dumas, the founders of the group. Her passion for Quebec’s folk music and her active work in promoting Quebec’s living heritage are definitely a source of inspiration for the group that is now working on new pieces towards a fourth album. A glimpse of this creative process will be heard this Sunday January 13 during the radio programme Excusez-la! on CIBL 101.5 . In January, Bon Débarras will also be on the road again in the United-States and in Quebec with En panne de silence. Shows, performances for young audiences, evening dance partys, the year beautifully begins in movement for Bon Débarras!


A new video clip

October 2018

An amazing long shot, no editing, no special effect, no GMO, no pesticide, here is the new music video of the group Bon Débarras.

Produced with the fantastic team of L’hibou, this journey in a still subway wagon, imagined from the theme song of the last album of the groupe, En panne de silence, gathers human beings in search of happiness through festive movement


A busy autumn for Bon Débarras

October 2018

In October, Bon Débarras will be touring in the United Kingdom to present their show “En panne de silence”. Everybody looks forward to it, since their last passage there was in 2014! The autumn also marks the return of Bon Débarras to the United States: between October 30 and November 4, the group will stop in various places in Maine and Vermont. For the young ones, several representations of the show “L’école buisonnière” are scheduled, as well as evening dance partys at the Domaine Forget and in Baie-Comeau. In brief, a busy autumn is coming for Bon Débarras!


Bon Débarras on tour

August 2018

Bon Débarras will travel to the east of the province of Quebec to present “En panne de silence” as well as their performance for young audiences.


Bon Débarras on tour

June-July 2018

United States, British Columbia, Québec, Bon Débarras will be on the road again this summer to present “En panne de silence”.


A French Tour

10 to 16 MAY

Bon Débarras will present it's show “En panne de silence” in France from 10 to 16 May !


Bon Débarras In Showcase

At Folk Alliance International

Bon Débarras will present it's show “En panne de silence” on February 17 at Folk Alliance Festival in Kansas City !



The music video

Bon Débarras celebrates fall with a brand new music video that will bring you in a surprising kitchen party, right in the middle of the Champ des Possibles in Montreal!

The song Déclunaison is from the album "En panne de silence" and the video was produced by the wonderful team of L'Hibou.


ADISQ 2017

A nomination for Bon Débarras

The nominees of the Gala de l'ADISQ are now known! Good news, Bon Débarras is in the list with it's new album “En panne de silence” in the category “Album of the year - Traditional”, along with Galant tu perds ton temps, Maz, La famille Soucy and the Yves Lambert Trio. The winner will be known on October 26. Good luck to all the nominees!



on tour

This fall, Bon Débarras will be at the Festival La Grande Rencontre and at the Celtic Colors International Festival. The show “En panne de silence” will also be presented in Paspébiac, Saint-Georges, Shawinigan and Lévis.



on tour

In August, Bon Débarras will be in many different music festivals to present “En panne de silence”: Newfoundland & Labrador Folk Festival, Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France in Quebec city, Festival des traditions du monde in Sherbrooke, Summerfolk Music and Craft Festival in Owen Sound, Ontario... All the details in the Peformances section.



on ICI Musique

To celebrate Bon Débarras' passage to the Festival Mémoire et Racines, you can listen all the album “En panne de silence” on ICI Musique between July 26 and August 2. Enjoy!



in Music Festivals

Bon Débarras will travel in many music festivals all over the country this summer! Only in June and July, the group will be at the Rubber Boots Festival in Ontario, at the Winnipeg Folk Festival, at the Festival en chanson de Petite-Vallée and at Mémoire et Racines Festival in Quebec.



On Tour

Between May 25 and May 27, Bon Débarras will present “En panne de silence” in Ontario. The group will perform at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa and at the TD-Sunfest in London. They will also be the special guests of the Cantabile Choirs of Kingston for a grand concert at the Sydenham Street United Church.



On the road

Bon Débarras was in France from March 22 to April 1 for a serie of shows in Paris, Normandy, Brittany and in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. It was the group's first official tour with their new album, “En panne de silence”. For the Semaine de la Francophonie, a special representation was also given at the Maison de l’UNESCO in Paris to delegates coming from different French-speaking countries. In the coming months, Bon Débarras will present “En panne de silence” in Quebec, in Ontario, in Manitoba and in Newfoundland! Follow the calendar and in the meanwhile, here's a short video of the best moments of the live album launch in Montreal.




Bon Débarras’ live album launch took place at the Cabaret Lion d’Or on February 23. The group entertained a very enthousiastic sell-out crowd with all the pieces of En panne de silence. The presence of Luzio Altobelli’s accordion and that of the Quatuor Trad have created some memorable moments. And what about the performances of Joséphine Bacon and Yaëlle Azoulay, who spontaneously came on the stage to dance during the show? Simply magical. This set of new songs definitely burns with a contagious energy, extending an invitation never to surrender to silence!

Click here to see some pictures of the show

Click here to watch the beginning of the show


Bon Débarras’ new album

En panne de silence

Bon Débarras’ new album, En panne de silence, will be launched on February 23, 2017 at 8:00 PM at the Cabaret Lion d’Or during Montréal en Lumière.

Buy your tickets online :